Disabled People's Organization of Bhutan

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Disability Equality Training to the front line workers during pandemic situations in Bhutan

Persons with Disabilities (PwDs) are among the vulnerable population groups that are at disproportionate risk during public health emergencies.
To ensure the COVID-19 response is inclusive and considers the needs of PWDs, the frontline workers are being equipped with knowledge and skills required to provide appropriate services to PwDs during rapidly evolving and uncertain times like these.
A three-day Disability Equality Training was conducted successfully with the theme “Leaving No One Behind,” the training for frontline workers in Samtse and Chukkha from 22rd to 24th June Phuentsholing.
The first two days have dedicated to the Disability Equality Training (DET), which is being facilitated by the PWDs themselves in how to provide appropriate services to the persons with disabilities during such pandemic emergency situations.
The third day focused on raising awareness among the frontline workers on the increased risk of gender-based violence (GBV) during emergencies like COVID-19 and their role in responding to GBV, The frontlines has enhance their knowledge and skills on service centered approach and procedures for the effective coordination of service delivery as well as related governance and accouwtability mechanisms, among others.
The same training will be conducted for frontline workers in Thimphu and Paro as well.
The training is being organized collaboratively by three Civil Society Organizations- Ability Bhutan Society, DRAK-TSHO and Disabled Persons’ Association of Bhutan- that work to promote the rights of PwDs, in partnership with the Gross National Happiness Commission and UNDP Bhutan. The program is supported by the UN Partnership on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and the UNDP Bhutan Governance Multi-Year Framework.

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