10 youth with disabilities completed training on Massage Therapy

Massage Therapist 2018

On 3rd July 2018, 10 youth with disabilities successfully completed four months training on high quality healing therapy and massage from Norbu Healing Arts Centre.(NHAC) in Thimphu which was financially supported by Austrian Development Agency.

This program is designed to provide life skill trainings to help persons with disabilities and develop relevant professional skills to empower themselves in the society and get a decent job and live independent life. So far DPAB has conducted fourth batch training in massage and healing therapy whereby more than 30 youths with disabilities has been benefited from this program.

On this regard DPAB would like to congratulate the group for completing the training successfully.
DPAB would like to thank Austrian Development Agency for funding supports and Norbu Healing Arts Centre for opening this door of opportunity for persons with disabilities, all your assistance and support during the training course.