Disabled People's Organization of Bhutan

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Sharing is a beautiful thing. Let us celebrate the joy of sharing by being a part of a marginalized group in our society.   Disability is a social and medical issue that requires the cooperation of all stakeholders. According to studies, we are all potential victims of impairment. Only time will tell if this is true. Furthermore, the risk of living with a disability grows as one gets older, necessitating intervention and support at some point. Perhaps becoming a contributing member is the best way for us to prepare for the unforeseeable future.

Benefits of Membership

1. Persons with disabilities will receive independent living skills training that will ultimately lead to employment.
2. Improvement in social life of PWDs.
3. Should any contributing member become permanently disabled due to various reasons during the tenure of his/her membership, the organization will provide one-time contribution of a Nu 20,000/-to Nu 50,000 (Twenty Thousand to Fifty Thousand only) as per the individuals monthly contribution. Click Here to download the form.
4. In case of the death of the contributing member while being a member, a Semso of Nu. 10,000 (ten thousand only) will be handed over to the nominated family member. Click Here to download the form.
5. All contributions are tax exempted, and members would receive a tax- exemption certificate at the end of the year which can be generated from our webpage: www.dpobhutan.org
6. A certificate of appreciation and recommendation letter would be also awarded to the contributing members.

Instruction for Contributing Mmembers to receive your Money Receipt and appreciation Certificate in Online.
Browse the Organization website: webpage: www.dpobhutan.org>>SUPPORT US>>MEMBERSHIP>>MEMBERSHIP ACKNOWLEDGEMENT and enter your CID Number or Click Here.

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